Your Way....In My Way!! (Almindelig sex)
Erotiske noveller skrevet af  Lagertha

Udgivet: 24-11-2017 00:01:20 - Gennemsnit: 4,5  Udskriv
Kategori(er): Almindelig sex | Oralsex
Antal tegn:2928

I did not know you were coming but though I was expecting you when you knocked on the door, I instantly knew it was you and could feel it all the way down between my legs!

As I opened the door, you stood outside with that boyish smile lifting a finger towards your lips to say schsss....then you pushed yourself in though the door and while you closed it behind you, you pressed me against the wall starting to kiss me sucking my underlip pushing your tongue in to start playing with were standing so close I could feel the heat from your body the excitement and feel your dick were already hard as rock while you were rubbing against my head was spinning and I felt my boobs were getting hard my legs were melting and my knickers about to drop off...why are you always so sexy...

You looked me in the eyes, deep into my green eyes which were now changing to a slight brown colour while trying to focus on you.., and I remember I was thinking WTF and took me by the hand and gently leaded me towards the bedroom, where there were hardly any light only a few rays of sunshine coming through the steered me towards the bed and pushed me to sit down, while with the other hand unzipped your trousers and took it out as to show me Look big hard beautiful and all for you.. before you pressed it deep into my mouth...all the way I nearly gagged but you know exactly how far to go before stopping and you slowly started to move your hips backwards and forwards while I started to follow along and sucked...just the way you like it with my tongue playing too...

I could hear your breathing getting very heavy y you were slightly groaning....One hand on the back on my head helping to move it against stopped a few times to pull your dick out just to see it was all wet with my saliva your fluid and dark red with lust....the other hand were in my top pinching slightly on one of my nipples suddenly completely stopped started to pull my top off and pushing me backwards to lay down on top of the bed while you crawled up to sit across me pulling my big boobs together and slamming your dick in between them moving quickly fast looking me straight in the eyes..

I could see you were loving it, wanted more loving my big boobs moving heavily with every shock you gave...until you suddenly exploded groaned far to loud and splashed all over my boobs....You knew how turned on I was by all this, I could feel I was very wet and I could feel the shivers running through my body, so could you ...dying for next step and dying for one slight touch of your hand between my legs and I could have a big orgasm right there and then .. Your boyish smile came back on again and you whispered Good morning! lets start the day together... while you started to move your hand slowly downwards towards my black lace knickers....

Erotiske noveller skrevet af  Lagertha

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Bruger slettet() 07-01-2018 07:44
Det fremgår meget tydeligt, at historien er skrevet af en person som ikke har engelsk som sit første sprog. Det er ikke dårligt eller.voldsomt fejlbehæftet, men det er ikke flydende eller elegant formuleret. Sproget bliver tungt og ikke legende og let som engelsk jo ellers kan være.

Det er et udemærket bud, men mangler en del før det skaber uro i mit underliv...

Anonym 08-12-2017 01:34
Kære Jytte; brug google til at oversætte. Det er ret så nemt. Historien er vældig god og tændende.

Bruger slettet() 06-12-2017 14:53
Kan desværre ikke give karakter, da jeg ikke er så skrap til engelsk

Gokke1(m) 25-11-2017 09:33
Uhmmm sexy is there more to come.. Please ??

Lagertha(K) 24-11-2017 23:16
Mange Tak til baade Josher og havde faktisk efterlyst engelske fraekke historier her paa siden og jeg fik et par emails som gerne ville laese noget jeg havde skrevet paa dette sprog..derfor blev den indsendt...dem som ikke kan engelsk kan jo bare springen den over...:))

Gårdsanger(M) 24-11-2017 20:40
Kort, men meget poetisk og smuk...elsker det:)


josher(M) 24-11-2017 19:14
Kære Anonym. Hvad mener du med "Vi" personligt har jeg ikke noget problem med udenbys sprog og historien her er skam udmærket på engelsk.
Men har du problemer med at læse den,så oversætter jeg den da gerne for dig.🤔

Anonym 24-11-2017 16:30
Skal vi ikke lige holde det til dansk eller skandinavisk...


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Antal visninger6898
Udgivet den24-11-2017 00:01:20